2024 Leadership Summit
for Community Action Staff and Leadership
The 2024 Maine Community Action Partnership (MeCAP) Leadership Summit is designed to support Community Action Agency staff and board members with time and space to collaborate, celebrate and learn from each other and invited guest speakers. This event is devoted to collective engagement in our policy and program goals. We will highlight our shared success and shed light on opportunities for future success, including our work toward becoming a more unified system of providers. A detailed agenda follows.
This Summit is geared toward the staff that are most involved in and touched by the systemic nature of the Partnership’s value as a system for all agencies to learn from each other and to improve their own, internal, systems. As such, agency leaders, Community of Practice members, and agency board members are invited to attend. There is no cost for the Summit, but those who travel will be responsible for their accommodations (room block information is below), travel and meals outside of those included in the day.
Jeff’s Catering, Brewer ME
9:00 Light Breakfast, Coffee, Tea (Getting to Know You Bingo)
9:30 Welcome
10:00 Customer Voices (TBD)
10:45 Keynote Speaker: Denise Harlow, CCAP, NCRT: Community Action: Leveraging Our Past to Lean Into the Future
12:00 Lunch & Break (Getting to Know You Bingo)
1:00 Collaborative Round Tables
3:30 Check Out
4:00 Adjourn
Summit Presenters
Parent Panel: TBD
Denise Harlow, Keynote: Denise Harlow, CCAP, NCRT is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Community Action Partnership, a national hub that links the nation’s 1,000+ Community Action Agencies to each another and to federal, state, and local leaders looking to connect Americans to greater opportunity.
She was appointed the Partnership’s CEO in 2014 after serving as Senior Director of Training and Technical Assistance and Interim Chief Operating Officer. Working with Community Action Network partners, Denise was instrumental in the design and deployment of network-wide Organizational Standards and was a leader in the recent update to the Community Action performance management framework.
Registration is Closed.
If you need to register, please contact Heidi Parmenter