Community Needs Assessment
2021 Maine Community NeedsThank you for your interest in the Maine Community Action Partnership Statewide Community Needs Assessment 2021.
MeCAP and our Agencies would like to thank Cross Cultural Community Services, Equality Maine, and Maine Black Community Development for their assistance in convening focus groups to oversample our BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities; and Crescendo Consulting Group for their interest in our work and our communities, and for the excellent attention to detail that led to this comprehensive snapshot of Maine, during an unprecedented time of both a global pandemic and the novel economic incentives that addressed the economic impacts.
We would like to especially thank the hundreds of Maine people who took the time to fill out surveys, participate in focus groups and give their honest feedback about our programs and services.
The Community Needs Assessments can be found here:
At A Glance |
Executive Summary |
Full Report |
For questions about the State assessment, please call or write Megan Hannan, 207.831.9893
Local Reports are Here:
Aroostook County Action Program [Aroostook County] |
The Opportunity Alliance [Cumberland County] |
Community Concepts, Inc. [Androscoggin and Oxford Counties] |
Penquis [Penobscot, Piscataquis and Knox Counties] |
Downeast Community Partners [Hancock and Washington Counties] |
WaldoCAP [Waldo County] |
KVCAP [Kennebec and Somerset Counties] |
Western Maine Community Action [Franklin County] |
Midcoast Maine Community Action [Lincoln and Sagadahoc Counties] |
York County Community Action Corp. [York County] |